Santiago Renteria


Santiago Renteria is working at the intersection of computer audition, interactive soundwalking and generative soundscapes. In his research he plays with different techniques such as spatial audio, generative music and interactive machine learning. He pictures a future in which the breakthroughs of cognitive science, art, and artificial intelligence drive new interfaces extending human perception, learning, and creativity.

As part of his masters degree he developed a “Shazam” for birdsong based on siamese neural networks, a few-shot machine learning technique capable of recognising birds’ complex melodic sequences from very few samples. Beyond machine learning one of Santiago’s main interests is to develop and understand non-human forms of intelligence through artistic experimentation. His work as a creative developer has been showcased at Laboratorio de Arte Alameda, Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco, Carnaval de Bahidorá and Tecnológico de Monterrey.

When he is not doing research you can find him playing guitar, hiking or reading philosophy.

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