
Posted 12:00:00 AM

Cyber Readings 001

Cyber Reading Group

Title: Fuzzing: The State of the Art

Date: Wednesday 31st May 2017

Time: 11:00am

Location: Robert Milner Room, Level 1 CSIT

Document: Download Paper Here

Contact: Shane Magrath shane.magrath@anu.edu.au

Background Notes: This is a general introduction to fuzzing as of 2012 and simply serves as a starting point to issues in vulnerability discovery using fuzzing. Fuzzing is a simple idea but made more sophisticated with notions of white-box fuzzing, generative fuzzers, grammar fuzzers, black-box mutational fuzzers and so on. An important fuzzer not covered in this paper is AFL which is state of the art if you have source code. We’ll talk about that. Our readings will get more technical from this point.

Cyber Spot

We will spend ten minutes covering Lockheed-Martin’s very useful model called the “Cyber Kill Chain”. It’s a conceptual framework that can help understand and organise thinking around what cyber operations and effects are, how an attacker thinks and operates and what a defender can do in terms of counter-measures.

Lockheed-Martin’s Cyber Kill Chain

Wikipedia Cyber Kill Chain

Updated:  01 Jun 2017/ Responsible Officer:  Director, Research School of Computer Science/ Page Contact:  Antony Hosking