We are running the Second Emotion Recognition In The Wild Challenge and Workshop (EmotiW 2014) at ACM ICMI 2014, Istanbul!
9th December 2013
EmotiW 2013 was a success! Keynote talk by Prof. Jeffrey F. Cohn, University of Pittsburgh, invited talks by Prof. Nadia Bianci-Berthouze, University College London and Dr. Gabor Szirtes, RealEyes. Prof. Bengio's team from Montreal got the first position, followed closely by Prof. Bartlett's team at UCSD and Prof. Shan's team at ICT, CAS.
11th June 2013
EmotiW 2013: Aligned faces, audio, video features and xml meta-data for Train and Val sets released.
5th June 2013
EmotiW 2013: Best paper award sponsored by Australian Speech Science and Technology Association (ASSTA)!
21 March 2013
Training data available for EmotiW 2013 Challenge. Please register your team at [LINK].
12 February 2013
The first Emotion
In The Wild (EmotiW
challenge and
workshop based on
database accepted as
part of the grand challenges
at ACM
ICMI 2013,
Sydney. [Details]
1 December 2012
Happy People Images (HAPPEI)[Paper]
database containing happiness
intensity labelled faces in group
photographs. [Details]
For any queries contact: Abhinav
Dhall at
dot edu dot au