G. Support Arrangements

As stated in the License (see Appendix H), Febrl is provided on an AS IS basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied.

However, the authors are keen to learn of any bugs, defects or limitations in the software. At this stage, just e-mail the details to the authors (see title page of this manual).

Two mailing lists have been set up at Sourceforge.NetG.1. For more details see


If you are interested in this project please subscribe and we will inform you of software releases, publications and other output of this project.

Users or potential users of Febrl should note that although problems with the programs will be attended to on a best effort basis, the authors have other responsibilities (not to mention families and friends) and do not undertake to resolve problems within any particular time frame, or at all, as the case may be. Because the source code for Febrl is freely available, users may be able to resolve many problems themselves, or with the help of others who have experience with the Python programming language. We would appreciate it if copies of such fixes and modifications are e-mailed to us so that they can be incorporated into future versions of Febrl.

